Resize Raster according to screen size in PaperJS -

i resize raster (image) when resize canvas via paperjs. i'm using following codes:

var last_point =; var img = new raster('images/test.png',; img.onload = function() {     resizeimg(); } function onresize(event) {     view.scrollby(last_point.subtract(;     last_point =;     resizeimg(); } function resizeimg() {     var width = paper.view.size.width;      var scale = (width / img.width) * 0.75;     img.scale(scale); } 

however, once going through resizeimg() function, image gone (commented function out make image re-appear).

what did miss in function? i guess it's simple mistake in calculation

an object's width referenced bounds.width property, not width alone.

function resizeimg() {     var width = paper.view.size.width;      var scale = (width / img.bounds.width) * 0.75;     img.scale(scale); } 


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