r - Error caused by rJava when loading ReporteRs package -

i have problems loading reporters in r. following message:

loading required package: reportersjars error : .onload failed in loadnamespace() 'rjava', details:   call: fun(libname, pkgname)   error: no currentversion entry in software/javasoft registry! try  re-installing java , make sure r , java have matching architectures. error: package ‘reportersjars’ not loaded 

i have java version "1.8.0_25", rjava, ggplot2 , reportersjars installed.

here range of possible solutions explore:

install latest rjava version. earlier versions may not work! mirrors not up-to-date, go source @ www.rforge.net: http://www.rforge.net/rjava/files/. note advice there “please use install.packages('rjava',,'http://www.rforge.net/') install.”

that correct. works: install.packages('rjava', .libpaths()[1], 'http://www.rforge.net/') watch punctuation! mysterious “.libpaths()[1],” tells r install package in primary library directory. reason, leaving value blank doesn’t work, though should default.

tell r updated java version if changed java version, make r aware of running r cmd javareconf terminal.

add jvm.dll path , have in proper directory rjava, r<->java bridge, needs jvm.dll, r have trouble finding it. resides in folder c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0_25\jre\bin\server or c:\program files\java\jre6\jre\bin\client wherever yours is, add directory windows path variable. (windows -> "path" -> "edit environment variables account" -> path -> edit value.)

you may have java on path. if should find client/server directory in same java "home" dir 1 on path.

it seems rjava searches jvm.dll in ~\java\jre6\bin\client. folder didn´t exist on system (jvm.dll in ~\bin\server). 1 workaround make copy of jvm.dll in folder ~\bin\client\ , added path.

define path r find java options(java.home="c:/program files/java/jre7/") change appropriately

make sure architectures match. if have java in program files, 64-bit, ought run r64. if have java in program files (x86), that's 32-bit, use plain 32-bit r.

re-launch r windows menu if r running, quit. start menu , start r / rgui, rstudio. important, make r pick path changes.


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