java - Access restriction to Notes.jar while developing Lotus Notes Plugin in eclipse -

access restriction: type session not accessible due restriction on required library c:\program files\ibm\lotus\notes\jvm\lib\ext\notes.jar

what missing? tried add notes.jar explicitly. changed errors warning. still getting compilation error. tried admin mode.

how remove access restriction on library notes.jar?

if add notes.jar library, can set "access rules" library. should add "accessible" rule "lotus/domino/*" notes.jar

  • open libraries tab of java build path project property window
  • expand notes.jar library entry.
  • select "access rules" , hit edit button.
  • click add button in resulting dialog.
  • for new access rule, set resolution accessible , pattern "lotus/domino/**".
  • after adding access rule, project should build without these warning.


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