orientdb - How can I use fetchplan with Java API? -

as stated here, if define [*]in_*:-2 out_*:-2 fetchplan, query should return properties , none info edges.

    orientgraph graph = new orientgraph(url, user, user);     try {         iterable resultlist = graph.command(new osqlsynchquery("select #11:0")).setfetchplan("[*]in_*:-2 out_*:-2").execute();         orientvertex user = (orientvertex) resultlist.iterator().next();         (string s : user.getrecord().fieldnames()) {             system.out.println(s);         }          iterable resultlist2 = graph.command(new osqlsynchquery("select #11:0")).execute();         orientvertex user2 = (orientvertex) resultlist2.iterator().next();         (string s : user2.getrecord().fieldnames()) {             system.out.println(s);         }     } {         graph.shutdown();     } 

i'm having same output (that includes info edges), , without fetchplan. doing wrong?

with network protocol, fetch plan optimize network transfer, not exclude connections. in case above orientdb client fetch connected edges if excluded fetch plan.


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