How to let git-log color multiline placeholder values in format string? -

given following git-log command:

git log --max-count=1 --format='format:%c(cyan)%gg' 

only first line of %gg multiline placeholder value gets colorized. want have following text in same color until chosen color reset next %c(...) statement. how can achieve this?

i'm using git version 2.1.0 on fedora desktop 21.

one solution came in meantime following bash script snippet:

function foobar {   local -r committish="${1:-head}"   local -r tput_app="$(type -p tput)"   if [[ -n $tput_app ]];     local -r color_cyan="$("$tput_app" setaf 6)"     local line=''     while read -r line;       printf '%s\n' "$color_cyan$line"     done < <(git log --max-count=1 --format='format:%gg' "$committish")     printf '%s\n' "$("$tput_app" sgr0)"   else     git log --max-count=1 --format='format:%gg' "$committish"   fi } 

this solution not satisfy me because prefer simple solutions simple problems. @ least works me.


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