r - Fail to use fix() / edit() functions in RStudio Server (CentOS 7) -

i followed official guide install rstudio server. works fine, functions, fix , edit, not available.

for instance, have data.frame called "data" follows.

1,2,3  4,5,6  7,8,9 

the command "view(data)" works fine. when execute command "edit(data)" or "fix(data)", comes error messages.

the error messages of "fix(data)" :

error in .external2(c_dataentry, datalist, modes) :  unable start data editor in addition: warning message: in edit.data.frame(get(subx, envir = parent), title = subx, ...) : unable open display 

the error message of "edit(data)" :

error in edit : editing of data frames , matrixes not supported in rstudio. 

i ran same codes on local rstudio (windows 8.1), , functions work fine! it's wired... can me? lot!

p.s. read this post already, doesn't work me.


r version 3.1.3 (2015-03-09) platform: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu (64-bit) running under: centos linux 7 (core)  locale:  [1] lc_ctype=zh_tw.utf-8       lc_numeric=c               lc_time=zh_tw.utf-8         [4] lc_collate=zh_tw.utf-8     lc_monetary=zh_tw.utf-8    lc_messages=zh_tw.utf-8     [7] lc_paper=zh_tw.utf-8       lc_name=c                  lc_address=c               [10] lc_telephone=c             lc_measurement=zh_tw.utf-8 lc_identification=c         attached base packages: [1] stats     graphics  grdevices utils     datasets  methods   base       loaded via namespace (and not attached): [1] tools_3.1.3 

i had same problem, installed xquartz package here: https://www.xquartz.org/

and thread, while back, reminded me needed restart mac x11 app take effect: https://stackoverflow.com/a/36486555


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