java - array list saved in pref, load each item only once -

i need store list of urls, in pref.

[,,,, ] 

i want know how can call list array, , load each item once. i.e. if item 1 been loaded, mark done. next time call list item 2.

there reason why ask is:

i need build video player playlist.

i build playlist array , store urls.

when player activity start load url1, when clip finish, load splash activity 5 seconds , call player activity again. (this time has load url 2).

in end, after urls have been played. need store analytic playlist.

the part don't know how handle playlist. , how load in order 1 url once.

any feed helpful, appreciate hep. thank.

iterate on list:

string[] urls = {"", "", "", ""};           for(string url : urls){             //do each url             //each url loaded once         } 


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