iphone - is there a way to sort an array by category on ios -

how can create custom sort order on app? suppose have company , workers divided positions inside factory , wanna see performance of workers on specific position. could, on core data, predicate result wanna, @ same time, see more 1 positions, constructor, driver, engineer, etc. how can order fetch request result should of constructors first, drivers , @ end of of engineers?

thanks in advance , hope explained want.

just create nssortdescriptor position when fetch coredata.

nssortdescriptor *sortdescriptor = [nssortdescriptor sortdescriptorwithkey:@"position" ascending:yes]; [fetchrequest setsortdescriptors:@[sortdescriptor]]; 

that go positions alphabetically... if don't want done alphabetically implement new attribute nsnumber keep track of sort order want , fetch based upon that. this post seems talk bit example.

however, if order going different @ times, might better off holding nsmutablearray total list, , performing individual fetches each position, each time adding results end of same array...


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