https - Connect Selenium node to the hub with auth -

i have selenium hub requires authentication reach through https.


in nodeconfig.json set followings:

... "hubhost":"", "hubport":4444, .... 

i tried following parameter too:

-jar "selenium-server-standalone-2.45.0.jar" -role node -hub "" 

when try connect node hub following lines appear in console:

09:22:55.124 info - registering node hub :http:// 09:22:56.153 info - couldn't register node : error sending registration request. 09:23:02.177 info - couldn't register node : hub down or not responding: connect https:80 [https/] failed: connection refused: connect 

i think problem http://https:// don't know how can fix it. please me, how connect hub auth?

thanks in advance!

assuming have tried url manually , found working; make below change in nodeconfig.json

instead of

... "hubhost":"", "hubport":4444, .... 


... "hub":"" .... 


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