Can not construct instance of java.util.Date from String value - not a valid representation -

sorry seems redundant question have many options, , despite effort reading dozen of threads, i'm not able understand do.

i have java application job :

  1. get datas soap ws (xml),
  2. do logic ( incoming deliverydate become datebl )
  3. finally send rest ws (json format), update oracle table

plan follows :
soap ws ---- deliverydate ----> java app (logic) ---- datebl ----> rest ws

jar used in java app jackson-core-asl-1.9.13.jar , jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.13.jar among others.

issues have when dealing dates.

readings : ( tried inspired jackson version seems not same ) :

json serializing date in custom format (can not construct instance of string value)

jackson 2.3.2: issue deserializing date despite of setting date format objectmapper

edit 01/04/15

the facts now

point 1 : when recovering data soap ws, deliverydate string exact value :

2014-07-31 07:00:00.0

point 2: before using setter, thought idea format string date.

simpledateformat dateformat = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss");                                     date dateebl = dateformat.parse(deliverydate);                                     msi.setdatebl(dateebl); 

datebl declaration in pojo

private    datebl; 

at stage, datebl value has transformed

thu jul 31 07:00:00 cest 2014

(despite choosing specific format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)

point 3 , error have : error have thrown rest server:

can not construct instance of string value 'thu jul 31 07:00:00 cest 2014': not valid representation (error: can not parse date "thu jul 31 07:00:00 cest 2014": not compatible of standard forms ("yyyy-mm-dd't'hh:mm:ss.sssz", "yyyy-mm-dd't'hh:mm:ss.sss'z'", "eee, dd mmm yyyy hh:mm:ss zzz", "yyyy-mm-dd")) @ [source: org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.entityinputstream@5709779; line: 1, column: 74] (through reference chain:["datebl"])

what tried : resolve this, i'm using version prior 2.x, thought best option use custom serializer, :

  • in pojo, annotation added before getter

    @jsonserialize(using = customjsondateserializer.class)     public getdatebl() {         return datebl;     } 
  • serializer created follows

    public class customjsondateserializer extends jsonserializer<date> {  @override public void serialize(date value, jsongenerator jgen,         serializerprovider provider) throws ioexception,         jsonprocessingexception {     simpledateformat dateformat = new simpledateformat(properties.general.format_heure_json_serialize_2);     string datestring = dateformat.format(value);     jgen.writestring(datestring);        } 


in example,tried format_heure_json_serialize_2, tried many others without success.

public static final string  format_heure_json               = new string("yyyy-mm-dd't'hh:mm:ss.sssz"); public static final string  format_heure_json_serialize     = new string("eee yyyy-mm-dd't'hh:mm:ss.sssz"); public static final string  format_heure_json_serialize_2   = new string("eee, dd mmm yyyy hh:mm:ss zzz"); public static final string  format_heure_json_serialize_3   = new string("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"); 

at point, i'm lost.

i don't know , how update code.

  1. should still use simpledateformat after getting date soap ws ?
  2. given fact i'm using jackson 1.9, @jsonserialize annotation ? ( serializer ?)
  3. do have modify on rest server ?

please can me organize thoughts ?

kind regards,


i guess using jersey jax-rs implementation. have left details out stacktrace? reading stacktrace seems jersey receives string instead of date: can not construct instance of string value 'thu jul 31 07:00:00 cest 2014'. if class["datebl"]) declares date, behaviour bit strange.

anyway, jackson work, 1 suggestion register jackson objectmapper rest config contextresolver (this applies both jackson 1.x , 2.x). try putting breakpoint in both constructor , getcontext()-method see if invoked @ runtime:

public class objectmapperconfigcontextresolver implements     contextresolver<objectmapper> {  objectmapper mapper;  public objectmapperconfigcontextresolver() {     mapper.setdateformat(new simpledateformat("<your pattern>")); }  @override public objectmapper getcontext(class<?> type) {     return mapper; } 


the @provider annotation should make jax-rs pick configured objectmapper. if no can manually:

@applicationpath("/") public class restapplication extends application {     @override     public set<class<?>> getclasses() {         set<class<?>> classes = new hashset<>();         classes.add(objectmapperconfigcontextresolver.class);         return classes;     } } 

it helpful if provided information pom.xml (if using maven).


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