actionscript 3 - Google IMA flash SDK issues -

would please me run sample files? cannot understand google guide (no experience actionscript java developer) want run vpaid tags using sdk.

i have installed adobe flash cc 2014. have integrated ima_lib_as3.swc flash (available in components). created new actionscript 3.0 (flv) file , in actions included this.

var t:sdkintegrationexample=new sdkintegrationexample(); 

when try compile following error

/users/xxx/documents/, line 77, column 60    1046: type not found or not compile-time constant: videoplayer. /users/xxx/documents/, line 358, column 47   1046: type not found or not compile-time constant: flexevent. /users/xxx/documents/, line 380, column 61   1046: type not found or not compile-time constant: timeevent. /users/xxx/documents/, line 398, column 61   1046: type not found or not compile-time constant: flexevent. /users/xxx/documents/, line 410, column 51   1046: type not found or not compile-time constant: timeevent. 

would guide me in right direction, , break down procedure in easy terminology?


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