twitter bootstrap - Boostrap CDN with 16-columns instead of 12 -

i want use latest bootstrap cdn, defaults 12 column layout. way customize 16 col layout download , host files yourself?

edit: i'm asking how bootstrap through cdn. use bootstrap cdn , works great, except 12-col layout.

there 2 options this.

  1. you override bootstraps grid system own css file.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/cdn/path/to/bootstrap.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/my/path/overide_bootstrap.css" /> 

    this can tedious task , not recommend doing way.

  2. customize bootstrap , use own version

    if go can customize , download customized version of bootstrap. looking located @

once has been downloaded have few options:

  1. serve files own project.
  2. use free cdn service

    there multiple cdn services can use, such cloudflare ( or can use cdnjs (

i hope helps!


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