stl - C++.How output elements from std::set in format "(element, element, element)" without last ", "? -

this question has answer here:

when using std::list, have method "back()":

for ( = list->begin(); != list.back(); it++ ) {    cout << it.getname() << ", "; } cout << it.getname() << endl; 

output: (element, element, element)

std::set has no member back(), , can't output last element without ", ":

output: (element, element, element, )

this enough uses:

for (auto = list.begin(); != list.end(); ++it) {    if (it != list.begin()) cout << ", ";    cout << it->getname(); } 

if want ( ) around output, add couts either side of loop.

if you're mad-keen keep conditional out of loop:

if (!list.empty()) {      auto = list.begin();      cout << it->getname();      while (++it != list.end())          cout << ", " << it->getname(); } 


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