javascript - $.post inside html2canvas? -

i have 2 functions:

number one

html2canvas($("#screenshot"), {   onrendered: function(canvas) {     $('.ha').append(canvas);   } }); 

number two

$.post("save.php",{ xcv : canvas }, function(data){   if (data == 1)   {     $('.cropped').empty();     $('.cropped').append('<img src="' + data + '">');     $('.cropped').append('<h2>is okay?</h2>');   }   else   {     alert(thecanvas);   } }); 

function number 1 takes screenshot of div-container "screenshot" , shows in div-class "ha". function number 2 should give canvas php file transform canvas pyhsical file. if successful php-file return "1" , post picture on page because "data" keeps filename. tried this:

html2canvas($("#screenshot"), {   onrendered: function(canvas) {     $('.ha').append(canvas);      $.post("save.php",{ xcv : canvas }, function(data)     {       if (data == 1)       {         $('.cropped').empty();         $('.cropped').append('<img src="' + data + '">');         $('.cropped').append('<h2>is okay?</h2>');       }       else       {         alert(thecanvas);       }     });      } }); 

but not working. thing if use both functions seperatly working fine.

the whole thing looks this:

$('#btncrop').on('click', function(){     html2canvas($("#screenshot"), {     onrendered: function(canvas) {             $.post("save.php",{ xcv : canvas }, function(data)             {                 if (data != '')                 {                     $('.cropped').empty();                     $('.cropped').append('<img src="' + data + '">');                     $('.cropped').append('<h2>is okay?</h2>');                 }                 else                 {                     alert("error!");                 }             });      }     });  }) 

and here screenshot after pushed button

enter image description here

wolff, thank question! made me figure out solution, under impression base64 string "canvas" didnt. needed add a

var x = canvas.todataurl(); 

and work "x" , not "canvas", no working fine. whole thing looks this:

$('#btncrop').on('click', function(){     html2canvas($("#screenshot"), {     onrendered: function(canvas) {          var x = canvas.todataurl();              $.post("save.php",{ xcv : x }, function(data)             {                 if (data != '')                 {                     $('.cropped').empty();                     $('.cropped').append('<img src="' + data + '">');                     $('.cropped').append('<h2>is okay?</h2>');                 }                 else                 {                     alert(thecanvas);                 }             });      }     });  }) 

thank again!


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