wxpython - How to get a blinking label on the basis of random value input in a GUI? -

here code:

import wx       import random       import time         class mypanel(wx.panel):           """"""              


def __init__(self, parent):     """constructor"""      wx.panel.__init__(self, parent)      self.font = wx.font(12, wx.default, wx.normal, wx.normal)     self.flashingtext = wx.statictext(self, label="battery")     self.flashingtext.setfont(self.font)      self.timer = wx.timer(self)     self.bind(wx.evt_timer, self.update, self.timer)     self.timer.start(2000)  #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def update(self, event):     """"""      x=random.uniform(1,10)     print(x)     if x>5:        self.flashingtext.setbackgroundcolour('red')       else:         self.flashingtext.setbackgroundcolour('white') 
class myframe(wx.frame):     """ok"""  #----------------------------------------------------------------------      def __init__(self):         """constructor"""         wx.frame.__init__(self, none, title="flashing text!")         panel = mypanel(self)         self.show() 


if __name__ == "__main__":      app = wx.app(false)     frame = myframe()     time.sleep(2)     app.mainloop() 

the code not working though logic seems sound. please correct if could!

ps: please bear me, beginner wxpython , gui-level programming.

add self.refresh() end of update method statictext update background colour

import wx import random   class mypanel(wx.panel):      """"""      def __init__(self, parent):         """constructor"""          wx.panel.__init__(self, parent)          self.font = wx.font(12, wx.default, wx.normal, wx.normal)         self.flashingtext = wx.statictext(self, label="battery")         self.flashingtext.setfont(self.font)          self.timer = wx.timer(self)         self.bind(wx.evt_timer, self.update, self.timer)         self.timer.start(2000)      def update(self, event):         """"""          x = random.uniform(1, 10)         print(x)         if x > 5:             self.flashingtext.setbackgroundcolour('red')          else:             self.flashingtext.setbackgroundcolour('white')          self.refresh()   class myframe(wx.frame):      """ok"""      def __init__(self):         """constructor"""         wx.frame.__init__(self, none, title="flashing text!")         panel = mypanel(self)         self.show()   if __name__ == "__main__":      app = wx.app(false)     frame = myframe()     app.mainloop() 


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