node.js - installation on windows -

i followed steps specified @ ran cmd adiminstrator. i'm getting below error on running getting below error:

on windows platform - please check permissions independently permissions should run local users permissions cloning branch: master destination folder: myapp2 git clone  --depth 1  -bmaster "myapp2" find: parameter format not correct there 2 files in ~/.npm owned root please change permissions running - chown -r `whoami` ~/.npm c:\users\ce\appdata\roaming\npm\node_modules\mean-cli\lib\utils.js:67       throw('root permissions in npm');       ^ root permissions in npm 

if open %appdata%\npm\node_modules\mean-cli\lib\ see @ line 59 this:

exports.checknpmpermission = function (callback){   var homedir = process.env[iswin ? 'userprofile' : 'home'];   var findcmd = 'find ' + homedir +'/.npm ' + '-user root';   shell.exec(findcmd, function( status, output){     var hasrootfiles = output.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/).length;     if (hasrootfiles > 1){       console.log ('there ' + hasrootfiles + ' files in ~/.npm owned root'));       console.log('please change permissions running -'), 'chown -r `whoami` ~/.npm ');       throw('root permissions in npm');     }   });   callback(); }; 

the command: var findcmd = 'find ' + homedir +'/.npm ' + '-user root'; not work on windows. try remove whole shell.exec(...) segment workaround on windows machine , try init mean app again.

hope fixed soon.


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