android - How to setup cocos2x console tool path? -

i setup cocos2d-x outlines here: had expected output,


setting cocos2d-x... ->check environment variable cocos_console_root ->search environment variable cocos_console_root... ->cocos_console_root found : /users/john/documents/projects/cocos2d/cocos2d-x-3.5/tools/cocos2d-console/bin

->check environment variable cocos_templates_root ->search environment variable cocos_templates_root... ->cocos_templates_root found : /users/john/documents/projects/cocos2d/cocos2d-x-3.5/templates

->configuration android platform only, can skip , manually edit "/users/john/.bash_profile"

->check environment variable ndk_root ->search environment variable ndk_root... ->ndk_root found : /users/john/documents/projects/android/android-ndk-r9d

->check environment variable android_sdk_root ->search environment variable android_sdk_root... ->android_sdk_root found : /users/john/documents/projects/android/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140321/sdk

->check environment variable ant_root ->search environment variable ant_root... ->ant_root found : /users/john/documents/projects/ant/apache-ant-1.9.4/bin

please execute command: "source /users/john/.bash_profile" make added system variables take effect

but cannot run cocos directly:

eg: cocos

i have type full path: eg:


as result, cannot run ./ etc generating android build because errors out saying : sh: cocos: command not found

i ran "source /users/john/.bash_profile" command said should makes no difference.

how rectify ?

(cocos2dx 3.5)


when type: "export" in terminal, cannot find lines setting environment variables for:

ndk_root cocos_console_root 

how rectify ?

i added cocos console root bash_profile manually.

here how did :

in terminal, type:

open ~/.bash_profile 

it opened within textedit. add these lines :

export cocos_console_root=/users/barisatamer/documents/workspace-game/engine_source/cocos2d-x-3.4/tools/cocos2d-console/bin export path=$cocos_console_root:$path 


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