ios - How to "merge" Core Data configurations? -

i'm using core data magicalrecord, model has 2 configurations:

enter image description here

prefilledconfiguration has 4 entities, userdataconfigurations has six. merge them in default configuration - what's best way achieve that?

is there migration necessary? how can transfer existing data new, merged (default?) configuration?

you can try edit xcdatamodel file manually. inside package simple xml file. example test xcdatamodel:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <model userdefinedmodelversionidentifier="" type="" documentversion="1.0" lastsavedtoolsversion="7701" systemversion="14d136" minimumtoolsversion="automatic" macosversion="automatic" iosversion="automatic">     <entity name="entity" isabstract="yes" syncable="yes"/>     <entity name="event">         <attribute name="timestamp" optional="yes" attributetype="date">             <userinfo/>         </attribute>         <userinfo/>     </entity>     <configuration name="test"/>     <elements>         <element name="event" positionx="261" positiony="189" width="128" height="60"/>         <element name="entity" positionx="261" positiony="198" width="128" height="45"/>     </elements> </model> 


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