node.js - How do I include dependencies for dr.js? -

i trying install dr.js javascript documentation. here link:

i uses node.js , npm installed. can see there dependencies. they? do dependencies? know how install dr.js?

how include dependencies?

i did

npm install dr.js@0.1.1 

and got

dr.js@0.1.1 ../node_modules/dr.js ├── eve@0.5.0 ├── dot@1.0.3 ├── markdown@0.5.0 (nopt@2.1.2) └── topcoat@0.7.5 (topcoat-utils@0.1.3, topcoat-range-base@0.0.3, topcoat-list@0.5.0, topcoat-textarea@0.3.0, topcoat-switch-base@0.1.0, topcoat-search-input-base@0.1.2, topcoat-tab-bar@0.1.0, topcoat-radio-button-base@0.1.1, topcoat-input-base@0.4.1, topcoat-checkbox-base@0.1.3, topcoat-checkbox@0.4.0, topcoat-notification@0.1.1, topcoat-icon-button@0.3.4, topcoat-button-bar-base@0.1.5, topcoat-notification-base@0.0.1, topcoat-textarea-base@0.3.2, topcoat-button-base@0.6.1, topcoat-list-base@0.4.1, topcoat-button-bar@0.1.1, topcoat-radio-button@0.1.2, topcoat-text-input@0.3.4, topcoat-theme@0.5.24, topcoat-search-input@0.3.3, topcoat-button@0.5.5, topcoat-switch@0.1.4, topcoat-range@0.1.0, topcoat-navigation-bar-base@0.4.0, topcoat-navigation-bar@0.4.2) 

what output mean? mean installation done? new node.js , npm..

it means installed dr.js in node_modules directory dependencies. if open dr.js directory see there node_modules folder in installed it's dependencies, instance dot, markdown.

the following install latest version:

npm install dr.js 

this install version 0.1.1:

npm install dr.js@0.1.1 


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