How to use Boost with Cocoapods on IOS? -

has succeeded in using cocoapods boost pod ?

i not understand not seem install fully. after pod install blank project below. there step missing ?

enter image description here

this output install

pod install --verbose

analyzing dependencies  updating spec repositories   $ /applications/ rev-parse  >/dev/null 2>&1   $ /applications/ rev-parse  >/dev/null 2>&1 updating spec repo `master`   $ /applications/ pull --ff-only   up-to-date.  cocoapods 0.36.3 available. update use: `gem install cocoapods`  more information see , changelog version   inspecting targets integrate   using `archs` setting build architectures of target `pods`: (``)   using `archs` setting build architectures of target `pods-podboost`: (``)  resolving dependencies of `podfile` starting resolution (2015-04-01 15:48:56 +0300) creating possibility state boost (~> 1.57) (1 remaining)   attempting activate boost (1.57.0)   activated boost @ boost (1.57.0)   requiring nested dependencies (boost/string_algorithms-includes (= 1.57.0), boost/shared_ptr-includes (= 1.57.0), boost/pointer_cast-includes (= 1.57.0), boost/numeric-includes (= 1.57.0), boost/preprocessor-includes (= 1.57.0), boost/math-includes (= 1.57.0), boost/graph-includes (= 1.57.0))   creating possibility state boost/string_algorithms-includes (= 1.57.0) (1 remaining)     attempting activate boost/string_algorithms-includes (1.57.0)     activated boost/string_algorithms-includes @ boost/string_algorithms-includes (1.57.0)     requiring nested dependencies ()     creating possibility state boost/shared_ptr-includes (= 1.57.0) (1 remaining)       attempting activate boost/shared_ptr-includes (1.57.0)       activated boost/shared_ptr-includes @ boost/shared_ptr-includes (1.57.0)       requiring nested dependencies ()       creating possibility state boost/pointer_cast-includes (= 1.57.0) (1 remaining)         attempting activate boost/pointer_cast-includes (1.57.0)         activated boost/pointer_cast-includes @ boost/pointer_cast-includes (1.57.0)         requiring nested dependencies ()         creating possibility state boost/numeric-includes (= 1.57.0) (1 remaining)           attempting activate boost/numeric-includes (1.57.0)           activated boost/numeric-includes @ boost/numeric-includes (1.57.0)           requiring nested dependencies ()           creating possibility state boost/preprocessor-includes (= 1.57.0) (1 remaining)             attempting activate boost/preprocessor-includes (1.57.0)             activated boost/preprocessor-includes @ boost/preprocessor-includes (1.57.0)             requiring nested dependencies ()             creating possibility state boost/math-includes (= 1.57.0) (1 remaining)               attempting activate boost/math-includes (1.57.0)               activated boost/math-includes @ boost/math-includes (1.57.0)               requiring nested dependencies ()               creating possibility state boost/graph-includes (= 1.57.0) (1 remaining)                 attempting activate boost/graph-includes (1.57.0)                 activated boost/graph-includes @ boost/graph-includes (1.57.0)                 requiring nested dependencies () finished resolution (8 steps) (took 0.007472 seconds) (2015-04-01 15:48:56 +0300) unactivated:  activated: boost, boost/string_algorithms-includes, boost/shared_ptr-includes, boost/pointer_cast-includes, boost/numeric-includes, boost/preprocessor-includes, boost/math-includes, boost/graph-includes  comparing resolved specification sandbox manifest   boost  downloading dependencies  -> installing boost (1.57.0)  > http download    $ /usr/bin/curl -f -l -o /users/ryanheitner/projects/podboost/pods/boost/file.tgz "" --create-dirs      % total    % received % xferd  average speed   time    time     time  current                                     dload  upload   total   spent    left  speed   0   353    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0   0   423    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0   0   337    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:01 --:--:--     0 100 70.0m  100 70.0m    0     0  2744k      0  0:00:26  0:00:26 --:--:-- 3007k    $ /usr/bin/tar xfz /users/ryanheitner/projects/podboost/pods/boost/file.tgz -c /users/ryanheitner/projects/podboost/pods/boost   - running pre install hooks  generating pods project   - creating pods project   - adding source files pods project   - adding frameworks pods project   - adding libraries pods project   - adding resources pods project   - linking headers   - installing targets     - installing target `pods-podboost` ios 8.2   - running post install hooks   - writing xcode project file `pods/pods.xcodeproj`   - writing lockfile in `podfile.lock`   - writing manifest in `pods/manifest.lock` 

why pod not listed?

this artifact of boost not being xcode project, merely set of files. in addition, find boost inner directory located inside ${pods_root}/boost, referenced in header search path of build settings. gain using pod.

pod & boost hierarchy

the nesting of boost in ../pods/boost/boost required allow files in library refer in:

#include "boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_config.hpp" 

if let operation complete: (the boost library on 100 mb when zipped)

downloading dependencies installing boost (1.57.0) generating pods project integrating client project 

...the while not see in project, find in source tree:

enter image description here

you can reference it:

#import "boost/date_time.hpp" 

and start dealing other pressing issues, locating #include <cstdlib>, topic entirely.

objective-c++ compilation

in order compile boost, c++ library, need explicitly refer c++ source files (not c sources, default in .m), or adopt alternative solutions listed in compiling c++ class in xcode: error during compilation: stl vector.

from .mm file, include these 2 test lines:

#include <cstdlib> // proof of concept #import "boost/date_time.hpp" 

for sake of example, have renamed main.m since pod did not import of .ipp files, add no_boost_date_time_inline=1 in preprocessor macros in build settings. doing so, dozen of warnings, 1 below, , successful compilation, without manual import.

implicit conversion loses integer precision: 'long' 'hour_type' (aka 'int')

edit: deleted off-topic manual import, not required


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