Executing oracle store procedure using entity framework 5 -

store procedure

create or replace procedure getcorporateaction( record_date in date, prc out sys_refcursor ) begin open prc select * hr.corporateaction recorddate = record_date; end; 

calling sp using ef:

var corporateactions = db.getcorporateaction(recorddate); 

error message = "ora-06550: line 1, column 8:\npls-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call 'getcorporateaction'\nora-06550: line 1, column 8:\npl/sql: statement ignored"

kindly suggest me how rid out of problem.thanks in advance.

there couple of problems:

  1. the procedure being invoked takes 2 arguments 1 has been supplied. variable second parameter should given in call.
  2. this procedure being called. procedures not return value, you've coded call if function being called.

the call should like

db.getcorporateaction(recorddate, corporateactions); 

share , enjoy.


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