node.js - heroku node js cleardb mysql fail : ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: Access denied for user -

today i'm pushing app on heroku, create database cleardb, configure using software (navicat premium) create tables.

i start program, works on local side, , when try access database error :

er_access_denied_error: access denied user 'xxxxxxxx'@'' (using password: yes)

i have read that's maybe port defined on navicat.

this configuration :

connection: {       port      : '3306',       host      : 'us-westxxxxxxxxxx',       user      : 'xxxxxxxx',       password  : 'xxxxxxxx',       database  : 'xxxxxxxx',       charset   :'utf8'     } 

my configuration don't know error.

thanks helping !

check endpoint data cleardb endpoint url looks dramatically different expect.

the host piece after @.

cleardb_database_url => mysql://[username]:[password]@[host]/[database name]?reconnect=true 

one thing notice specify port (i don't , works) , specify port string not number, if specify it, might why.


i suggest store of data in heroku variables , use env.process.variable_name not need keep passwords etc in code/source files.


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