swing - How to create a common static focusable window in Java? -

i creating transliterating tool in java. it's complete. here screenshot.

enter image description here

i using jwindow dropdown, which must focusable reason. as, user can write in 1 input @ 1 time. i've created window static, text components use same instance instead of creating new one.

problem occurs, when work in more 1 window. works fine unless both window showing on screen. when owner window of dropdown window closed, dropdown window not focusable anymore.

as javadoc of jwindow(window owner) constructor says:

creates window specified owner window. window not focusable unless owner showing on screen. if owner null, shared owner used , window not focusable.

so, how can create static, focusable window, shared components in different windows.

don't use jwindow.

instead can use non decorated jdialog. won't have focus problem.


you can prevent dialog getting focus when make visible using code like:

dialog.setwindowfocusablestate(false); dialog.setvisible(true); dialog.setwindowfocusablestate(true); 


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