sql - "Procedure or function 'UPDATE' expects parameter '@Id', which was not supplied" in Windows Form -

we created windows form update table in sql server.

first click enter id retrieve details database, after changing data, when click on update button, error:

procedure or function 'update' expects parameter '@id', not supplied.

windows form design :

click here

error :

click here

code windows form:

public partial class update : form {     string connectionstring = @"data source=amar;initial catalog=hotel;integrated security=true";      public update()     {         initializecomponent();     }      private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {         {             testobject t = null;             string spname = "get";             //string querytext = "select * testtable id = " +txtid.text;             sqlconnection conn = new sqlconnection(connectionstring);             //sqlcommand com = new sqlcommand(spname, conn);             sqlcommand com = new sqlcommand(spname, conn);             com.parameters.addwithvalue("@id", id.text);             com.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure;              conn.open();              using (sqldatareader reader = com.executereader())             {                 t = new testobject();                  while (reader.read())                 {                     t.id = reader["id"].tostring();                     t.status = reader["status"].tostring();                     t.fname = reader["firstname"].tostring();                     t.lname = reader["lastname"].tostring();                     t.addr = reader["address"].tostring();                     t.city = reader["city"].tostring();                     t.state = reader["state"].tostring();                     t.country = reader["country"].tostring();                     t.phoneno = reader["phoneno"].tostring();                     t.email = reader["emailid"].tostring();                     t.pin = reader["pincode"].tostring();                     t.checkin = reader["checkin"].tostring();                     t.checkout = reader["checkout"].tostring();                     t.adultno = reader["adultno"].tostring();                     t.childno = reader["infantno"].tostring();                     t.infantno = reader["infantno"].tostring();                     t.roomno = reader["roomno"].tostring();                 };             }              statustxt.text = t.status;             txtfname.text = t.fname;             txtlname.text = t.lname;             txtaddr.text = t.addr;             city.text = t.city;             state.text = t.state;             country.text = t.country;             phoneno.text = t.phoneno;             emailid.text = t.email;             pincode.text = t.pin;             checkin.text = t.checkin;             checkout.text = t.checkout;             adult.text = t.adultno;             child.text = t.childno;             infant.text = t.infantno;             roomno.text = t.roomno;         }     }      private void btnupdate_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {         string stat = statustxt.text;         string firstname = txtfname.text;         string lastname = txtlname.text;         string address=txtaddr.text;         string cities=city.text;         string states= state.text;         string  countries =country.text;         string  phonenos= phoneno.text;;         string  emailid= emailid.text;         string pincode=pincode.text;         string cin=checkin.text;         string  cout=checkout.text;         string  adultno=adult.text;         string  childno=child.text;         string infantno=infant.text;         string roomnos=roomno.text;          testobject obj = new testobject();          obj.stat=statustxt.text;         obj.firstname = txtfname.text;         obj.lastname = txtlname.text;         obj.address=txtaddr.text;         obj.cities=city.text;         obj.states= state.text;         obj.countries =country.text;         obj.phonenos= phoneno.text;;         obj.emailid= emailid.text;         obj.pincode=pincode.text;         obj.cin=checkin.text;         obj.cout=checkout.text;         obj.adultno=adult.text;         obj.childno=child.text;         obj.infantno=infant.text;         obj.roomnos=roomno.text;          string spname = "update";          sqlconnection conn = new sqlconnection(connectionstring);         sqlcommand com = new sqlcommand(spname, conn);          conn.open();          com.parameters.addwithvalue("@stat", obj.stat);         com.parameters.addwithvalue("@firstname", obj.firstname);         com.parameters.addwithvalue("@lastname", obj.lastname);         com.parameters.addwithvalue("@address", obj.address);         com.parameters.addwithvalue("@cities", obj.cities);         com.parameters.addwithvalue("@states", obj.states);         com.parameters.addwithvalue("@countries", obj.countries);         com.parameters.addwithvalue("@phonenos", obj.phonenos);         com.parameters.addwithvalue("@emailid", obj.emailid);         com.parameters.addwithvalue("@pincode", obj.pincode);         com.parameters.addwithvalue("@cin", obj.cin);         com.parameters.addwithvalue("@cout", obj.cout);         com.parameters.addwithvalue("@adultno", obj.adultno);         com.parameters.addwithvalue("@childno", obj.childno);         com.parameters.addwithvalue("@infantno", obj.infantno);         com.parameters.addwithvalue("@roomnos", obj.roomnos);          com.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure;          com.executenonquery();         conn.close();          messagebox.show("customer details updated in system");     } } 

sql server stored procedure:

alter procedure [dbo].[update]      @id int,     @stat nvarchar(100),     @firstname nvarchar(100),     @lastname nvarchar(100),     @address nvarchar(100),     @cities nvarchar(100),     @states nvarchar(100),     @countries nvarchar(100),     @phonenos int,     @emailid nvarchar(100),     @pincode int,     @cin nvarchar(100),     @cout nvarchar(100),     @adultno int,     @childno int,     @infantno int,      @roomnos int begin set nocount on;  -- insert statements procedure here update [hotel].[dbo].[details] set [status] = @stat,    [firstname] = @firstname,   [lastname] = @lastname,   [address] = @address,   [city] = @cities,   [state] =@states ,   [country] = @countries,   [phoneno] = @phonenos,   [emailid] = @emailid,   [pincode] = @pincode,   [checkin] = @cin,   [checkout] = @cout,   [adultno] = @adultno,   [childno] = @childno,   [infantno] = @infantno,   [roomno] = @roomnos id = @id  end 

a. mitch wheat wrote in comments, never use keywords procedures names.

b. marc_s wrote in comment - stop using .addwithvalue(). read article links to.

c. never provide @id parameter command , why error.

d. has nothing winforms.

e. in future, please provide relevant code. if problem in update button click, don't need see entire form class, button click event handler.


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