c# - How to skip first 2 lines and last line when I use BULK INSERT -

hi have application whereby user browese csv file , the data in csv file should written table using bulk insert

the text file looks this

student_head    201501   student_id  code    amount 1           salb    10015 2           salb    10016 3           salb    10017 4           c100    4000 5           salb    10022 end      

what need skip first 2 lines , last line.

i should this:

    1           salb    10015     2           salb    10016     3           salb    10017     4           c100    4000     5           salb    10022 

i have tried code nothing seems happening

        openfiledialog1.filter = ".csv file|*.csv*";         openfiledialog1.filterindex = 1;          dialogresult result = openfiledialog1.showdialog();          if (result == dialogresult.yes)         {             string file = openfiledialog1.filename;              using (var reader = new streamreader(file))             {                 string firstline = reader.readline();                 string[] splitedline = firstline.split(';');                 string month = splitedline[1];             }             try             {                  string connect = "data source=george-pc\\sqlexpress; initial catalog=students; user id =sa; password=george1";                  sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection(connect);                 con.open();                  string bulkinsert = "bulk insert t_original from" +                     file + "with (firstrow = 3," +                     "fieldterminator = ''," +                     "maxerrors = 0," +                     "rowterminator = '\\n')";                 //"update t_original"+                 //"set month =" + month +                  //"where month null";                  sqlcommand bulkcmd = new sqlcommand(bulkinsert, con);                 bulkcmd.executenonquery(); 

any , advise appreciated

thank you

instead of using sqlcommand, try using sqlbulkcopy object.

something like...

datatable table = new datatable();     //turn csv data datatable using favorite csv parser.     //my favorite [`textfieldparser`][2].  using sqlbulkcopy copier = new sqlbulkcopy(connectionstring,                   sqlbulkcopyoptions.keepidentity or sqlbulkcopyoptions.keepnulls) {     // set column mappings via sqlbulkcopy.columnmappings     // choose destination table sqlbulkcopy.destinationtablename      // execute copy     copier.writetoserver(table); } 


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