mongoose - MongoDb Duplicate Entry Error -

hi why i'm getting duplicate entry errors. check in advance if document in database. model requires uniqueness idname. load data json array, prooven false, there no entries true. recipe.zutaten,   (ingredient, cb) ->     #save ingredients     ingredient.idname =[^a-za-z0-9]+/gi, "").tolowercase()     ingredientmodel.find({ idname: ingredient.idname }, (err, ingredientfound) ->       return next err if err        ingredientsjson = {"idname":ingredient.idname, "name", "amount":ingredient.amount}       #if found pass recipes       if ingredientfound? && ingredientfound.length > 0         ingredientsjson.prooven = true         return cb null, ingredientsjson       #if not found evaluate if save       else         #if not prooven add json recipes         if(ingredient.prooven? && ingredient.prooven == false)           ingredientsjson.prooven = false           return cb null, ingredientsjson         #if prooven save database         else           ingredientdbobject = new ingredientmodel()  =           ingredientdbobject.idname = ingredient.idname  ->             return cb err if err             ingredientsjson.prooven = true             return cb null, ingredientsjson           )     )     ... 


{ [mongoerror: insertdocument :: caused :: 11000 e11000 duplicate key error index: database.ingredients.$idname_1  dup key: { : "zitronensaft" }]   name: 'mongoerror',   message: 'insertdocument :: caused :: 11000 e11000 duplicate key error index: database.ingredients.$idname_1  dup key: { : "zitronensaft" }',   index: 0,   code: 11000,   errmsg: 'insertdocument :: caused :: 11000 e11000 duplicate key error index: database.ingredients.$idname_1  dup key: { : "zitronensaft" }' } 

the problem related not wait callback. use of async.mapseries fixed problem. map series waits cb resolved:

... async.mapseries recipes,   (recipe, next) ->       ...           async.mapseries recipe.zutaten,       (ingredient, cb) ->            ... 


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