iphone - Make specific corners of UIView round -

i did bit of research, , see, there no easy way make only top right , top left corners of uiview round, right?

ps. code makes 4 corners round smth. don't want.

  #import <quartzcore/quartzcore.h>   self.layer.cornerradius = 5;  self.layer.maskstobounds = yes; 

you can snippet:

// set top right & left corners [self setmaskto:yourview byroundingcorners:uirectcornertopleft|uirectcornertopright]; 


sorry, forgot this

- (void)setmaskto:(uiview*)view byroundingcorners:(uirectcorner)corners {     uibezierpath *rounded = [uibezierpath bezierpathwithroundedrect:view.bounds                                                   byroundingcorners:corners                                                         cornerradii:cgsizemake(8.0, 8.0)];     cashapelayer *shape = [[cashapelayer alloc] init];     [shape setpath:rounded.cgpath];         view.layer.mask = shape; } 

ps: said in comment, if use things when displaying uitableviewcell cells, i've found it's better choice use background images because kind of drawing stuff affects performance.


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