ant - Test In Progress is Empty in Jenkins -

i have installed test in progress plugin in jenkins.and selecting show test in progress option. invoking ant specifying build file name .the job executed unable see test progress report(i.e empty).i have tried adding testinprogress-testng-client-0.1.jar test classpath shows no results.please help

i had same issue in test in progress plugin, of empty test progress report in jenkins.

solved adding testinprogress-testng-client in maven pom dependencies:

<dependencies> ...      <dependency>         <groupid>org.imaginea.jenkins.plugins</groupid>         <artifactid>testinprogress-testng-client</artifactid>         <version>0.1</version>         <scope>test</scope>     </dependency> ... </dependencies> 

and then, set testinprogress listener (in case testng), under maven surefire/failsafe plugin configuration:

<configuration> ...     <properties>         <property>             <name>listener</name>             <value>org.imaginea.jenkins.plugins.testinprogress.testng.testngprogressrunlistener</value>         </property>     </properties> ... </configuration> 


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