cakephp - simple blog with croogo -

i not problem, made simple blog in croogo, problem is not adding or modifying or delete, because arabic language ??

function add in controller `public function admin_add() {         $this->set('title_for_layout', __('add part'));         if (!empty($this->request->data)) {             $this->part->create();              if ($this->part->save($this->request->data)) {                 $this->session->setflash(__('the part has been saved'), 'default', array('class' => 'success'));                 $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));//, $this->part->id));             } else {                 $this->session->setflash(__('the part not saved. please, try again.'), 'default', array('class' => 'error'));             }         }     }` 

=> model

    `class part extends appmodel {  public $name = 'part';  var $belongsto = array(     'market' => array(       'classname' => 'market',       'foreignkey' => 'market_id',     )   );      protected $_displayfields = array(         'id',         'num_part',         'prix_part',         'prop_pledge',         'prix_pledge',      ); } 

` add view

    <?php $this->extend('/common/admin_edit'); ?> <?php echo $this->form->create('part');?> <fieldset>     <div class="tabs">         <ul>             <li><a href="#role-main"><span><?php echo __('part'); ?></span></a></li>             <?php echo $this->layout->admintabs(); ?>         </ul>          <div id="role-main">         <?php             echo $this->form->label('num_part', 'العدد :  ');              echo $this->form->input('num_part',array('label' => false ));              echo $this->form->label('prix_part', 'االمبلغ :  ');             echo $this->form->input('prix_part',array('label' => false ));              echo $this->form->label('prop_pledge', 'إقتراح التعهد :  ');             echo $this->form->input('prop_pledge',array('label' => false ));              echo $this->form->label('prix_pledge', 'مبلغ التعهد :  ');             echo $this->form->input('prix_pledge',array('label' => false ));         ?>         </div>         <?php echo $this->layout->admintabs(); ?>     </div> </fieldset>  <div class="buttons"> <?php     echo $this->form->end(__('save'));     echo $this->html->link(__('cancel'), array(         'action' => 'index',     ), array(         'class' => 'cancel',     ));  ?> </div> 

message error : requested address not found on server.

i don't think because of arabic language because when :

        echo $this->form->label('prop_pledge', 'إقتراح التعهد :  '); 

the second parameter text. don't know cake version you're using think first field should part.prop_pledge (cake v3).

i suggest try use debug() , exit see real problem or try put remove arabic characters see if reason of you're problem.

  • just question $this->form->create() in view ?

line added database not retoure index displays error message

could print message error hello21 please ?

hope you.


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