android - Avoid Activity layout showing before Fragment is created -

i have mainactivity starts detailsactivity. detailsactivity layout contains 1 framelayout needed displaying detailsfragment.

so, when user clicks button mainactivity, detailsactivity started:

public class detailsactivity extends actionbaractivity{      @override     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.activity_info);         displayfragment();     }      public void displayfragment(){         fragment fragment = detailsfragment.newinstance();         fragmentmanager fragmentmanager = getsupportfragmentmanager();         fragmenttransaction transaction = fragmentmanager.begintransaction();         transaction.replace(, fragment);         transaction.commit();     } } 

the problem detailsactivity oncreate finishes before detailsfragment oncreateview, user sees blank activity layout multiple milliseconds. there way avoid it?

this not possible.

in order show fragment must put container. in case container ( part of main layout (r.layout.activity_info).

consequentially, in order available accept fragment, r.layout.activity_info must have been inflated prior calling following...

transaction.replace(, fragment); transaction.commit(); 

unfortunately act of commiting fragmenttransaction asynchronous and, importantly, you've had call...


...before commiting transaction in order have valid reference framelayout (via

the time takes fragment become visible vary based on number of things (device capabilities, complexity of fragment layout , ancillary code etc). may possible fiddle process order there no official way of doing , results more or less successful on different android devices.

if you're worried users seeing blank screen short time i'd recommend have activity create progressdialog simple "please wait..." message - create dialog before commiting transaction , dismiss once fragment has been created.


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