jquery - using $.ajax in kendoui datasource of Grid -

i'm trying use jquery ajax call datasource update in kendoui grid. sample of code (getting docs):

update: function(options) {        // make jsonp request http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/service/products/update        jquery.ajax({          url: ajaxsave,          datatype: "json", // "jsonp" required cross-domain requests; use "json" same-domain requests          success: function(result) {            options.success(result);          },          error: function(result) {            options.error(result);          }        });      }

but i'm getting following error after update clicking:

error: json datatype can used update operation.       ...o](n,e[o]):n[o]=e[o]}else{if("json"!==l)throw error("only json datatype can u... 

what i'm doing wrong?

syntactically, appears correct. i've known occur @ 1 point when there incompatibility between installed jquery version , kendo version used.

you may want cross check jquery/kendo version compatibility, , update/rollback if necessary.


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