mvc - Razor Vew Reference Error -

i got fix old project other guys use visual studio 2012. think built on mvc4 because still uses , webmatrix.webdata. because don't have vs version using visual studio 2013 community edition , run install-package update. after couple fixes, got problem when tried run it. following error messages:

    server error in '/' application.     not load file or assembly 'system.web.razor, version=,      culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35' or 1 of      dependencies. system cannot find file specified.     description: unhandled exception occurred during execution of      current web request. please review stack trace more information      error , originated in code.       exception details: not load file or      assembly 'system.web.razor, version=, culture=neutral,      publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35' or 1 of dependencies. system      cannot find file specified.       source error:      unhandled exception generated during execution of current      web request. information regarding origin , location of exception      can identified using exception stack trace below.      assembly load trace: following information can helpful determine      why assembly 'system.web.razor, version=, culture=neutral,          publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35' not loaded.      === pre-bind state information ===     log: displayname = system.web.razor, version=, culture=neutral,      publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35     (fully-specified)      log: appbase = file:///d:/bitbucketgit/     log: initial privatepath = d:\bitbucketgit\\bin      calling assembly : system.web.webpages.razor, version=,      culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35.     ===     log: bind starts in default load context.     log: using application configuration file: d:\bitbucketgit     \\web.config     log: using host configuration file: c:\users\amie\documents\iisexpress     \config\aspnet.config      log: using machine configuration file c:\windows\     \framework\v4.0.30319\config\machine.config.     log: post-policy reference: system.web.razor, version=,      culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35     log: attempting download of new url file:///c:/windows/     /framework/v4.0.30319/temporary files/vs/86bf6c81/eeee762a     /system.web.razor.dll.      log: attempting download of new url file:///c:/windows/     /framework/v4.0.30319/temporary files/vs/86bf6c81/eeee762a     /system.web.razor/system.web.razor.dll.      log: attempting download of new url file:///d:/bitbucketgit     /      log: attempting download of new url file:///d:/bitbucketgit     /     log: attempting download of new url file:///c:/windows/       /framework/v4.0.30319/temporary files/vs/86bf6c81/eeee762a          /system.web.razor.exe.      log: attempting download of new url file:///c:/windows/       /framework/v4.0.30319/temporary files/vs/86bf6c81/eeee762a        /system.web.razor/system.web.razor.exe.      log: attempting download of new url file:///d:/bitbucketgit        /       log: attempting download of new url file:///d:/bitbucketgit      /   stack trace:       [filenotfoundexception: not load file or assembly 'system.web.razor,      version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35' or 1      of dependencies. system cannot find file specified.]     webmatrix.webdata.preapplicationstartcode.start() +0       [invalidoperationexception: pre-application start initialization method      start on type webmatrix.webdata.preapplicationstartcode threw exception      following error message: not load file or assembly      'system.web.razor, version=, culture=neutral,      publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35' or 1 of dependencies. system          cannot find file specified..]     system.web.compilation.buildmanager.invokeprestartinitmethodscore(icollection`1     methods, func`1 sethostingenvironmentcultures) +547    system.web.compilation.buildmanager.invokeprestartinitmethods(icollection`1     methods) +132     system.web.compilation.buildmanager.callprestartinitmethods(string     prestartinitlistpath, boolean& isrefassemblyloaded) +102    system.web.compilation.buildmanager.executepreappstart() +153     appmanager, iapplicationhost apphost, iconfigmappathfactory     configmappathfactory, hostingenvironmentparameters hostingparameters,     policylevel policylevel, exception appdomaincreationexception) +521      [httpexception (0x80004005): pre-application start initialization method     start on type webmatrix.webdata.preapplicationstartcode threw exception      following error message: not load file or assembly     'system.web.razor, version=, culture=neutral,     publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35' or 1 of dependencies. system     cannot find file specified..]     system.web.httpruntime.firstrequestinit(httpcontext context) +9930508    system.web.httpruntime.ensurefirstrequestinit(httpcontext context) +101    system.web.httpruntime.processrequestnotificationprivate(iis7workerrequest     wr, httpcontext context) +254      server error in '/' application. not load file or assembly 'system.web.razor, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35' or 1 of dependencies. system cannot find file specified. description: unhandled exception occurred during execution of current web request. please review stack trace more information error , originated in code.  exception details: not load file or assembly 'system.web.razor, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35' or 1 of dependencies. system cannot find file specified.  source error:  unhandled exception generated during execution of current web request. information regarding origin , location of exception can identified using exception stack trace below.  assembly load trace: following information can helpful determine why assembly 'system.web.razor, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35' not loaded.   === pre-bind state information === log: displayname = system.web.razor, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35  (fully-specified) log: appbase = file:///d:/bitbucketgit/ log: initial privatepath = d:\bitbucketgit\\bin calling assembly : system.web.webpages.razor, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35. === log: bind starts in default load context. log: using application configuration file: d:\bitbucketgit\\web.config log: using host configuration file: c:\users\amie\documents\iisexpress\config\aspnet.config log: using machine configuration file c:\windows\\framework\v4.0.30319\config\machine.config. log: post-policy reference: system.web.razor, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35 log: attempting download of new url file:///c:/windows/ files/vs/86bf6c81/eeee762a/system.web.razor.dll. log: attempting download of new url file:///c:/windows/ files/vs/86bf6c81/eeee762a/system.web.razor/system.web.razor.dll. log: attempting download of new url file:///d:/bitbucketgit/ log: attempting download of new url file:///d:/bitbucketgit/ log: attempting download of new url file:///c:/windows/ files/vs/86bf6c81/eeee762a/system.web.razor.exe. log: attempting download of new url file:///c:/windows/ files/vs/86bf6c81/eeee762a/system.web.razor/system.web.razor.exe. log: attempting download of new url file:///d:/bitbucketgit/ log: attempting download of new url file:///d:/bitbucketgit/   stack trace:   [filenotfoundexception: not load file or assembly 'system.web.razor, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35' or 1 of dependencies. system cannot find file specified.]    webmatrix.webdata.preapplicationstartcode.start() +0  [invalidoperationexception: pre-application start initialization method start on type webmatrix.webdata.preapplicationstartcode threw exception following error message: not load file or assembly 'system.web.razor, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35' or 1 of dependencies. system cannot find file specified..]    system.web.compilation.buildmanager.invokeprestartinitmethodscore(icollection`1 methods, func`1 sethostingenvironmentcultures) +547    system.web.compilation.buildmanager.invokeprestartinitmethods(icollection`1 methods) +132    system.web.compilation.buildmanager.callprestartinitmethods(string prestartinitlistpath, boolean& isrefassemblyloaded) +102    system.web.compilation.buildmanager.executepreappstart() +153 appmanager, iapplicationhost apphost, iconfigmappathfactory configmappathfactory, hostingenvironmentparameters hostingparameters, policylevel policylevel, exception appdomaincreationexception) +521  [httpexception (0x80004005): pre-application start initialization method start on type webmatrix.webdata.preapplicationstartcode threw exception following error message: not load file or assembly 'system.web.razor, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35' or 1 of dependencies. system cannot find file specified..]    system.web.httpruntime.firstrequestinit(httpcontext context) +9930508    system.web.httpruntime.ensurefirstrequestinit(httpcontext context) +101    system.web.httpruntime.processrequestnotificationprivate(iis7workerrequest wr, httpcontext context) +254 

manual solution findings may take time. right click project , click 'manage nuget packages' , search 'microsoft razor' , install version 3.2.3. update required assemblies , references. hope you.


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