An easy way to validate an XML against a C# Class -

i use xml format keep settings c# project. theses xmls deserialized c# classes.

often enough, class design changes forget update xml. deserialization works fine , missing elements default values.

this behavior not desirable me. i have automatic validation asserts class , xml have same structure.

i know can create xml schemas (e.g using xsd) classes, not figure easy way automatically , not manually (recall classes' design changes often). also, solution seems kind of unnatural. not need xml schemas. have classes , serialized xml instances. adding schemas seems superfluous.

thanks bunch.

why don't create method in settings class can invoked after xml deserialization?

suppose have class this:

class settings {     public string property1 { get; set; }     public int property2 { get; set; }      public bool isvalid() {         if(string.isnullorempty(property1)) return false;         if(property2 == 0) return false;     } } 

using isvalid can check in class. please, remember example. think manage object validation. if change in time, can edit validation method check new situations.


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