ajax - how to refresh form on closing jquery dialog box? -

this code :

<script type="text/javascript">     $(function () {         $("#divtimezone").dialog({             autoopen: false,             modal: true,             height: 270,             width: 550,             close: function () {                            }         });         $("#linkcreate").click(function () {             $("#divtimezone").dialog("open");         });      }); </script> <div id="divtimezone">     @html.partial("_create", new aegis.lisa.library.time_zone()) </div> 

when close modal popup , reopen textbox values, validators values etc not reset. remain in same state entered values previously. how reset form on close?

add before opening dialog

if ( $("#divtimezone") != undefined){      $("#divtimezone").dialog("destroy").remove(); } 

like this.

<script type="text/javascript">   $(function () {     $("#linkcreate").click(function () {          if ( $("#divtimezone") != undefined){              $("#divtimezone").dialog("destroy").remove();         }          $("#divtimezone").dialog({             autoopen: false,             modal: true,             height: 270,             width: 550,             close: function () {                            }         });         $("#divtimezone").dialog("open");     });   }); </script> 


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