
Showing posts from May, 2014

r - Identifying the index number in a group of counts -

i have df need tally , group group. want identify index(?) of observation in grouping. the group a has 4 observations, want to attach index of 3 3rd a observation. df %>% group_by(group) %>% mutate(count = n()) # group index count #1 1 4 #2 2 4 #3 3 4 #4 4 4 #5 b 1 1 #6 b 2 1 #7 c 1 3 #8 c 2 3 #9 c 3 3 #10 d 1 1 you want use window function row_number() : df %>% group_by(group) %>% mutate(index = row_number()) # explicit row_number(group)

Android chart with multiply Y axis -

are there way implement chart multiply y axis? found several libraries mpandroidchart , such libraries lets use 2 y axis. i need

Internet Explorer Caching File Uploads? -

i have basic page includes <input type="file"> element. when submit form file selected, server responds spreadsheet gets opened in excel (a "new window"). implication of behavior initial screen , input element still visible in ie. if change data on disk of selected file , resubmit form, internet explorer uploads old contents second time; latest changes not present in content sent server. if select file via input's browse... button again, new file contents uploaded expected. firefox sends file's contents disk expected/desired behavior. seems internet explorer doing kind of caching of uploaded file contents. is there way disable "feature" , have ie pull data disk each time form submitted? is there documentation available on behavior? it's first time i've encountered , searches have largely come empty. you can test out conjecture live demos posted on ms-connect . [...] bug began ie10, when filelist , blob imple

Transfer a string from list view on one activity to another in android -

this question has answer here: how pass data between activities in android application? 38 answers how possible transfer string listview on click , use string saved in variable in different activity? you can writing code calling next activity in listview's item click event intent intent= new intent(getbasecontext(),anotheractivity.class); intent.putextra("any_key", "your string value"); startactivity(intent); then in other activity's on create method value of string by string str=getintent().getstringextra("any_key");

git - Undo changes (commited and pushed) -

i have 2 commit's have commited , pushed. need return code state 'two commits ago'. i can use git reset --hard <hash> locally, can not push changes: hint: updates rejected because tip of current branch behind how can return code previous commit in central repository? update: ms-app-actual/mobile-application » git reset --hard e50fa38c4865bd82fce7ddcf1e05d94012266364 ‹master› head @ e50fa38 move attachment class separate project ms-app-actual/mobile-application » git push --force ‹master› total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: gitlab: don't have permission ssh:// ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined) error: failed push refs 'ssh://' but can pull: ms-app-actual/mobile-application » git pull

ember.js - Input helper valueBinding is deprecated - what's the alternative? -

i've got few text-input helper this {{input type="text" valuebinding="name" focus-out="focusoutname"}} i upgraded ember 1.11.0 , deprecation warning: deprecation: you're attempting render view passing valuebinding view helper, syntax deprecated. should use value=somevalue instead. however when using value not bound in controller , value sets text whatever value. how correctly bind it? you should have change: {{input type="text" valuebinding="name" focus-out="focusoutname"}} to: {{input type="text" value=name focus-out="focusoutname"}} or better (don't need type="text", it's automatic): {{input focus-out="focusoutname"}} then next can display value, , see change when change input (so can test bindings set already): {{input focus-out="focusoutname"}} {{}}

apache camel - do we need to give xml prefix to child tags when it is already provided on the parent level -

this default camel-context provided in 1 of samples. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:camel="" xsi:schemalocation=""> <camel:camelcontext xmlns="" id="samplecamelcontext"> <camel:route> <camel:from uri="file:src/data?noop=true"/> <camel:choice> <camel:when> <camel:xpath>/person/city = 'london'</camel:xpath> <camel:log message="uk message"/>

javascript - Select values, then only call function -

i use jsfillde used previously. as can see when clicking on filter (soup, meat, etc.), filtered result load in real time . instead let user make selection , then trigger result cliking a"update" button (to enhcance performances on mobile) i quite unsure how acheive in javascript, new..i using ionic, , below html piece call filter function. <ion-item ng-repeat="dish in dishlist | selecteddishtype:selection "> <article class="item_frame"> <h1 class="item_name_english">{{dish.nameenglish}}</h1> <h2 class="item_name_local_language">{{dish.namelocal}}</h2> <p class="item_description ">{{dish.description}}</p> </article> <!--main article frame 1 --> </ion-item> add button : <div class="listing_venue_types_filter_page"> <div class="input

Results from getimagesize (width and height) aren't correct in PHP -

i got problem getimagesize() . occurs when upload image but.. sometimes. the script should check image size avatar (profile-pic). if lower or equals 200px x 200px it's ok. i'm not done script yet, security things missing. i'm totally confused why happens , why happens. my script: //updateavatar if(isset($_files['uploadavatar']) , (isset($_session['user']) or isset($_session['dev']))) { //upload $uploaddir = "../img/avatar/";//relative path (we're in php folder [one step img]) $avatarextension = pathinfo($_files['uploadavatar']['name'], pathinfo_extension);//avatar extension (jpg,png,gif) if($avatarextension == "gif" || $avatarextension == "jpeg" || $avatarextension == "jpg" || $avatarextension == "png") { $_files['uploadavatar']['name'] = $loginname."_avatar".".".$avatarextension;//build new name (max 4 differe

Is Activity.onStop() guaranteed to be called (API 11 +) -

it unclear (to me, @ least) documentation whether activity.onstop guaranteed called. there 2 places seemingly contradictory information. javadoc activity.onstop: note method may never called, in low memory situations system not have enough memory keep activity's process running after onpause() method called. documentation (in particular 'killable' column) activity class : starting honeycomb, application not in killable state until onstop() has returned. impacts when onsaveinstancestate(bundle) may called (it may safely called after onpause() , allows , application safely wait until onstop() save persistent state. it's bit of struggle find way both pieces of documentation telling truth. scenario can think of this: suppose developing on target api 21 (with min sdk 10) , write activity onstop() method. if run application on api 10 phone, onstop() not guaranteed call

excel - SumProduct, doesn't return me text and number. (Only Number) -

at first answer)) (it's important me :p ) i have number in a3. when there number in column (sheet1), per exemple a7 take value of cell b7. =sommeprod(('sheet1'!a3:a34=sheet1!a3)*('sheet1'!b3:b34)) i use sommeprod, it's working number, , have text , number in cell (column b). i changed format of cell doesn't work. thanks lot))) i think saying of values in column b expressed text, not number, because imported source. if case: first, convert column b numbers, then, use sumproduct. for example, first convert text values: in c3 enter =value(b3) then copy down c3 c34. then =sommeprod(('sheet1'!a3:a34=sheet1!a3)*('sheet1'!c3:c34)) should have desired effect. note sometime #n/a errors "value" function, example if there unexpected spaces. safe, rather using value alone, try this: = iferror(value(b3),0) or more creative can try: = iferror(value(substitute(b3," ","")),0) &#

android - Licence required to use Map intent? -

in 1 activity exposing address map intent in our app. google maps api have buy license , pay based on usage, have such clause when using google maps or other maps intent ? if need new intent maps application (or external link), no license required... to call new maps intent use: string url = ",2.138879,17z/"; intent intent = new intent(intent.action_view, uri.parse(url)); toast.maketext(activity, "maps", toast.length_long).show(); intent.setclassname("", ""); activity.startactivity(intent);

textview - issue with my first android app -

before posting question , wanna clarify first post on stackoverflow , let's story beggin. as title said , i'm making first app on android , found myself blocked issue . there 3 button on app : button1 : give textview2 "hello world again " , make visible // button2 : make textview2 invisible // button3 : make textview1 invisible this code freom main_activity : package com.example.ismail.app_test_1; import; import android.os.bundle; import; import android.view.menuitem; import android.view.view; import android.widget.button; import android.widget.edittext; import android.widget.textview; public class mainactivity extends actionbaractivity { button button_aff; button button_hide; button button_hide_hw; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main); button_aff = (button) findviewbyid(

php subtracting a variable from a variable to get the value -

im learning php , cant piece of code work, beginning php , cant figure out. online validator reports no issues found sets of infinite loop me. can 1 tell me why $eggusage not being subtracted $eggs. thank :-) <?php $eggs = 12; $eggusage = 0; while($eggs - $eggusage > 0) { $eggusage = rand(0, 1, 2, 3, 4); $eggs = $eggs - $eggusage; echo "you have {$eggs} left"; } if ($eggs < 4) { $eggusage = rand(0, 1, 2, 3, 4); $eggs == $eggs - $eggusage; echo "you out. buy eggs!"; } echo "<p>congratulations, out of eggs.</p>" ?> rand() expects 2 parameters, have given 4 in code. try rand( 0, 4 ) . also, don't forget ; in last echo, , had little mistake in line $eggs == $eggs - $eggsusage , should 1 = . this code snippet works fine me: $eggs = 12; $eggusage = 0; while($eggs - $eggusage > 0) { $eggusage = rand(0,4); $eggs = $eggs - $

plsql - Simple Procedure raise ORA-06502 -

there's simplified version of code keep raise me ora-06502: declare p_filter varchar2(300) := '2012'; p_value varchar2(300) := '12345.000'; w_new_value number(13,3) := null ; w_count number(4) := null ; begin select count(*) w_count dual p_filter = p_filter; --- more filters if w_count != 0 w_new_value := p_value / w_count; else w_new_value := p_value; end if; -- end; / someone can give me help? database details nls_language = italian nls_territory = italy nls_currency = � nls_iso_currency = italy nls_numeric_characters = ,. nls_calendar = gregorian nls_date_format = dd-mon-rr nls_date_language = italian nls_characterset = we8iso8859p15 nls_sort = west_european nls_time_format = hh24:mi:ssxff nls_timestamp

wordpress - Show post type where category equals page title -

i'm trying list posts custom post type 'article' on several pages post category matches page title. on products page there list articles category products, reviews page there list of articles category reviews, etc. no posts returned when use category_name, , posts returned without it. <?php // articles have category matches page title (ie: on pagination page articles pagination category) $pagetitle = get_the_title(); $posttype = 'article'; $args= array( 'post_type' => $posttype, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'category_name' => $pagetitle ); $articles = new wp_query($args); if( $articles->have_posts() ) { while ($articles->have_posts()) : $articles->the_post(); ?> <p><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="permanent link <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_

.net - Is using Xpath necessary when automating Sitecore testing with Webdriver -

i'm building out automated testing framework sitecore. i'm using xpath locate of elements because sitecore generates ids dynamically every time load page. can tedious. there better way this? should using xpath? thanks! not sitecore other sites or web applications find web-elements(dom level) changes dynamically, cannot depend on 1 or specific element locater type identifying them uniquely. you have select locater type wisely. because times may find class-name or link text more suitable xpath or css. also not single locater useful identify our web-element, can go sikuli , autoit or other tool can used web object identification. such objects can found in web-sites flash contents. answering efficient method quite difficult the xpath , css 1 can rely on most.

linux - Unix (ksh) script to read file, parse and output certain columns only -

i have input file looks this: "level1","cn=app_group_abc,ou=dept,dc=net","uid=a123456,ou=person,dc=net" "level1","cn=app_group_def,ou=dept,dc=net","uid=a123456,ou=person,dc=net" "level1","cn=app_group_abc,ou=dept,dc=net","uid=a567890,ou=person,dc=net" i want read each line, parse , output this: a123456,abc a123456,def a567890,abc in other words, retrieve user id "uid=" , identifier "cn=app_group_". repeat each input record, writing new output file. note column positions aren't fixed, can't rely on positions, guessing have search "uid=" string , somehow use position maybe? any appreciated. you can use awk split in columns, split ',' , split =, , grab result. can awk -f, '{ print $5}' | awk -f= '{print $2}' take @ line looking @ example provided: cat file | awk -f, '{ print $5}' | awk -f= '{print

http - Testing API with Curl -

i'm writing api flask. testing browser works great: returns expect. however, tried typing curl 2 ways (forgive ignorance, new lamp) curl curl -i unfortunately, variables in query aren't making server, error message similar passing: help? i believe reason because shell evaluating get arguments using, instead of passing them on string. prevent this, use single quotes around request url. example: curl ''

c# - How to get object json when deserializing array -

i have incoming json, consists array of objects, say, foo . deserialize them with result = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<list<foo>>(message); now want add string property foo, store it's json (which received), foo'll like: public class foo { public int myint { get; set; } public bool mybool { get; set; } public string json { get; set; } } but don't know how can way can populate such field.. upd i'll clearify want. receive json: [{"myint":1,"mybool":0},{"myint":2,"mybool":0},{"myint":3,"mybool":1}] here array of 3 objects , want, when deserializing, add corresponding part of json object, that: first object contain {"myint":1,"mybool":0} second object contain {"myint":2,"mybool":0} third object contain {"myint":3,"mybool":1} in json property i'll gratefull help! this 1 way it

performance - Gradle build is too slow -

for example if changed small code result in gradle console x processing com/google/android/gms/internal/c$b.class... processing com/google/android/gms/internal/f.class... processing com/google/android/gms/internal/iy$1.class... processing com/google/android/gms/internal/kj.class... processing com/google/android/gms/internal/qn.class... processing com/google/android/gms/internal/jl$a.class... processing com/google/android/gms/internal/qo.class... processing com/google/android/gms/internal/os.class... processing com/google/android/gms/internal/c$d.class... processing com/google/android/gms/internal/qw.class... processing com/google/android/gms/internal/ke$1.class... processing com/google/android/gms/internal/qt.class... processing com/google/android/gms/internal/jt$a$a.class... processing com/google/android/gms/internal/jv$1.class... processing com/google/android/gms/internal/ju$a.class... processing com/google/android/gms/internal/li.class... processing com/google/android/gms/inte

cakephp - Cake php multiply Find Conditions OR /AND -

hey guys have been struggling .i trying select table using cakephp find e.g want select table (a == 1 , b == 2) or (a == 2 , b == 1) on query here code far $conditions = array("or"=> array("message.to_to"=>$daddy["user"]["id"], "message.from_from"=>$this->auth->user("id")), array("message.to_to"=>$this->auth->user("id"), "message.from_from"=>$daddy["user"]["id"]) ); to expected result (a == 1 , b == 2) or (a == 2 , b == 1), try nesting 'and' conditions missing code. you need specify conditions parameter. try following: $conditions = array( 'conditions' => array( "or"=> array( "and" => array( "message.to_to"=>$daddy["user"]["id"],

java - Why is Spring Security working in Tomcat but not when deployed to Weblogic? -

i'm not java developer, project client has required me be, maybe i'm missing glaringly obvious. i'm using springboot , works fine when application runs in tomcat on local machine , on our testing server. however, application deployed weblogic it's if there no security @ all routes accessible. login , logout routes non-existent well. that being said. else appears work fine, without security @ all. i don't have access weblogic client 1 deploying code have told it's running on 12c. can fix or troubleshoot this? here's relevant config /** * type authentication security. */ @order(ordered.highest_precedence) @configuration protected static class authenticationsecurity extends globalauthenticationconfigureradapter { /** * users. */ @autowired private users users; /** * init void. * * @param auth auth * @throws exception exception */ @override public void init(authenticat

Android - storing contacts in my own list for the app to access -

my app let user selects contacts contact list in order perform action on them. when user selects contact, name + image + phone number , show in list inside app. i want store info/list somewhere internally app can access next time opens. how/where can this?

java - Invoking Drools from EJB -

i trying wrap head around issue far unable too. invoking drools simple session ejb, passing in serializable 'fact'. reason trying decipher drools refuses fire rules(or not see fact don't know). have taken below steps: -i have configured dump directory creates java sources rules. tells me drl compiled correctly. -i invoke same in simple test program same 'fact' , drl file drools fires , validates fact. what missing in ejb approach? suggestions welcome! tia

c - split serial output in kernel space -

i developing code on openwrt router , receive data on serial port /dev/ttys0 . data receive different sources , parsed different user space applications. i split data n serial virtual ports n=number of information sources (a source temperature sensor, source sensor etc). so have /dev/ttys0 main serial device , /dev/ttys1 , /dev/ttys2 ... /dev/ttysn , each serial output data 1 information source. i guess have basic data parsing @ kernel level. know source example similar ? data going in 1 direction ... sensors router, don't need send simplify things. i'm opened sugestions

c++ - strftime adds unwanted characters to what I'm trying to display -

hey guys i'm wondering if can point out me. i'm trying display date & time in right hand corner of cmd prompt i'm getting additional characters i'm asking for. have far time_t rawtime; struct tm * timeinfo; char buffer[80]; time(&rawtime); timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime); // displays "23 date:etcetcetc" cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout << strftime(buffer, 80, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdate: %d/%m/%y", timeinfo); puts(buffer); // , displays "16time:etcetcetc" cout << "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"; cout << strftime(buffer, 80,"time: %i:%m:%s \n", timeinfo);; puts(buffer); if can see comments gives me want adds 23 first line , 16 other, doing wrong? kind regards! jb try replace this: cout << strftime(buffer, 80, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdate: %d/%m/%y", timeinfo); with this: strftime(buffer, 80, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdate: %d/%m/%y", timei

javascript - Profiling jQuery: how to interpret the results -

i have page uses jquery , can run slow in circumstances, , i'm trying profile using firebug , firequery. i've let run, used page... , when results, see functions consuming cpu time are: elementmatcher/< (jquery-2.1.0.js (línea 2113)) sizzle</sizzle.selectors.filter.attr/< (jquery-2.1.0.js (línea 1617)) sizzle</sizzle.attr (jquery-2.1.0.js (línea 1407)) matcherfromgroupmatchers/supermatcher (jquery-2.1.0.js (línea 2297)) okay. , now... what? how know of selectors consuming cpu, based on data? (i suspect i'll have rewrite of selectors using attributes right now, based on sizzle</sizzle.selectors.filter.attr/< thing, beyond that, there more information can get?) to investigate further triggers call sizzle</sizzle.selectors.filter.attr can right-click , choose set breakpoint context menu , trigger action again did before. (maybe page reload required before doing that.) though improve speed of mentioned sele

linux - How to install the latest wkhtmltopdf on ubuntu 12.04 -

i did apt-get install wkhtmltopdf on mac , installed 12.2.1 , works well. i've deployed ubuntu server, , require wkhtmltopdf on server. apt-get install wkhtmltopdf installed 0.9 . followed explination , kind of worked, have 12.1 installed. not behaving same version 12.2.1 on mac. and when apt-get install wkhtmltopdf again on ubuntu server says latest version installed, though it's 12.1 . how version 12.2.1 onto ubuntu server? purge added ppas: sudo apt-get install ppa-purge sudo ppa-purge ppa:<user/ppa_name> and use the official packages .

Lint fails when builing Android Studio project with gradle -

i'm using gradle build android studio project: $ ./gradlew build when process reach 94%, got following error: --------------------------------------------- :lint failed failure: build failed exception. * went wrong: execution failed task ':lint'. > string index out of range: -2 --------------------------------------------- re-run build --stacktrace, got exception stack: ------------------- * went wrong: execution failed task ':lint'. > string index out of range: -2 * try: run --info or --debug option more log output. * exception is: org.gradle.api.tasks.taskexecutionexception: execution failed task ':lint'. @ org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.executeactionstaskexecuter.executeactions( @ org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.executeactionstaskexecuter.execute( @ org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.postexecutionanalysistaskexecuter.execute(poste

ios - Adding more than two Bar Button Items to a Navigation Bar -

i trying add 3 bar button items using flexible space bar changes not getting reflected in simulator. . have pinned navigation bar bottom, left , right if use size class , auto layout, add constraints between toolbar , view: leading space = 0, trailing space = 0, bottom space = 0, heigh fixed. can add toolbar items wish until have no space. - Changing values of elements in view in MVC using jquery -

i have label @html.label("getcheckboxdetail", new { @style = "display:none" , id = "checkboxdetailflag" , name = "getcheckboxdetail" }) in javascript trying change it $(".lrequiredclass").live("click", function (event) { if ($(".lrequiredclass").is(":checked")) { $("#checkboxdetailflag").val("lrequired true"); } else { $("#checkboxdetailflag").val("lrequired false"); } }); and in controller request["getcheckboxdetail"] returning null, after value changed in label use .text() instead of .val() . change value text label use text() $("#checkboxdetailflag").text("lrequired true"); actually code be if ($(".lrequiredclass").is(":checked")) { $("#checkboxdetailflag").text("lrequired true"); } else { $("#check

html5 - Scale font using css whether width or height changes -

i aware of vh/vw or wmin/vmax units. still can't scale font whether width or height changes. is, can scale font using css in 1 case - if want scale font when width changes, use vw, height vh. there can use both cases? for both cases can use css logic: width:100vw; height:50vw; max-height: 100vh; max-width: 200vh; i believe there vmin , vmax. vmin unit equal smaller of ‘vw’ or ‘vh’. vmax unit equal larger of ‘vw’ or ‘vh’. via

shell - concatenate ordered files using cat on Linux -

i have files 1 n, following: sim.o500.1 sim.o500.2 . . . sim.o500.n each file contains 1 line. want concatenate them in order 1 n . i tried cat sim.o500.* > out.dat . sadly not work if e.g. n larger 9, because concatenates sim.o500.1 followed sim.o500.10 and not sim.o500.1 followed sim.o500.2 . how can loop through file names using numeric order? since * expands in non-numeric-sorted way, you'd better create sequence seq : way, 10 coome after 9 , etc. for id in $(seq $n) cat sim.o500.$id >> out.dat done note use seq able use variable indicate length of sequence. if value happens fixed , known beforehand, can directly use range expansion writing n value like: for id in {1..23} .

Show the euro simbol in a shiny R application -

i'm trying create shiny r application. have troubles show euro symbol (and return it) in radio button. i've tried different version of code: library(shiny) runapp(list( ui= navbarpage(title = 'shoe euro', radiobuttons('var', 'var', c("income_mgl", "income_mgl€", "income_mgl&euro;", "income_mgl&#8364;", "income_mgl\u20ac") )), server=function(input, output, session) { })) but "€" doesn't appear in web page. if select second option page returns error: "error in fromjson(content, handler, default.size, depth, allowcomments, : invalid json input" the problem lies in class shiny-options-group in div function. way class works appears convert & &amp; , preventing browser converting &#8364; € because first changes &amp;#8364; . try following ui.r see happen. library(shiny) options = as.list(c("a

Enable HTTP2 with maven-jetty-plugin -

i've enabled http/2 connector on ssl jetty. when try connect browser 'err_ssl_protocol_error' error. if switch http/1.1 connector works fine. here jetty configuration files: <!-- ============================================================= --> <!-- configure jetty server instance id "server" --> <!-- adding http connector. --> <!-- configuration must used in conjunction jetty.xml --> <!-- ============================================================= --> <configure id="server" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.server"> <new id="httpconfig" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.httpconfiguration"> <set name="securescheme">https</set> <set name="secureport"><property name="" default="8443" /></set> <set name="outputbuffer

java - Display data in JTable with selection of check boxes in Swing -

string calltype = " "; if (local_checkbox.isselected()) { calltype = calltype + "and toc ='local'"; } if (std_checkbox.isselected()) { calltype = calltype + "and toc ='std'"; } if (isd_checkbox.isselected()) { calltype = calltype + "and toc ='isd'"; } if (incoming_checkbox.isselected()) { calltype = calltype + "and toc ='incoming'"; } if (transfered_checkbox.isselected()) { calltype = calltype + "and toc ='transfered'"; } if (conference_checkbox.isselected()) { calltype = calltype + "and toc ='conference'"; } if (missed_checkbox.isselected()) { calltype = calltype + "and toc ='missed'"; } int = 4; calltype = calltype.substring(i); calltype = calltype.replace("and", "or"); calltype = "and\t

c# - WPF: How to play video (mp4 format) from servrer in MediaElement? -

i want play video directly server in mediaelement. (the source server) have url of server: and post following json: {"videoid":"22-1","api":"get-training-video"} (where 22-1 videoid) xaml code: <window x:class="mediaelementapp.mainwindow" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" title="mainwindow" height="467.91" width="1300"> <grid> <mediaelement x:name="mediaelement" horizontalalignment="left" height="418" margin="246,10,0,0" verticalalignment="top" width="1036" loadedbehavior="manual" unloadedbehavior="stop" source="images\wildlife.wmv" /> <button x:name="play" horizontalalignment="left" margin="538,161,0,0"