javascript - Shorthand for exporting an import -

i've been meaning babeljs, i'm not sure whether babel or specifications support @ moment.

given outer.js:

export default function() { } 

the example below not work.

export outer './outer' 

with commonjs modules, written as

exports.x = require('./x'); 

as of april 3, 2015, babeljs team has released v5.0 3 days ago includes support said shorthand stated in blog post.

lee byron's stage 1 additional export-from statements proposal completes symmetry between import , export statement, allowing export namespaces , defaults external modules without modifying local scope.

exporting default

export foo "bar"; 

equivalent to:

import _foo "bar"; export { _foo foo }; 

old answer:

this export notation

export v "mod"; 

does not supported in es6 (look @ supported examples in specification), can supported in es7 (look @ this proposal).

to achieve exactly same result must use import now:

import outer './outer'; export {outer}; 


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