android - 5 Star Rating on Mobile with MoSync 3.3.1 -

i required build prototype 5 star rating. searched on google , works fine on website when try integrate mo-sync 3.3.1, failed.

the rating messed when rate few times. example, if give 5 stars, maybe 2nd , 4th star not highlighted rest of star highlighted. working on html code , integrate inside on mo-sync.

    .rating:hover .rating-star:hover,     .rating:hover .rating-star:hover ~ .rating-star,     .rating-input:checked ~ .rating-star      {      background-position: 0 0;     }       .rating-star,     .rating:hover .rating-star      {     position: relative;     float: right;     display: block;     width: 16px;     height: 16px;     background: url('') 0 -16px;     } 

the code part think problems lies on. way 'refresh' css after have done rating once? fiddle complete code it.

i newbie programmer , appreciate helps. in advance helps.


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