java - 2-D Multi-Robots Avoiding Obstacles to Goal -

i thinking of making , 3 robots connecting , forming triangle (not in physical way) , try avoiding static obstacles on way goal location in java applet. besides, focusing on a* algorithm path finding , choosing center of system reference point heuristic value. have found out a* has generated path based on center of system, multi-robots might still bump obstacles while traveling goal. there way solve this?

if using occupancy map navigation make each tile @ least size of robot network. if cell "not occupied" know certainty entire network can fit in without bumping obstacles. robots use subdivided map. can imagine 1 cell in occupancy map represents 3x3 cell bots. bots still have precision in formation using subdivided cell while path planning algorithm can ensure no matter how bots arranged safe

i have included toy example. dark lines represent cell occupancy map, path planning algorithm sees. bots (the small yellow squares) subdivide occupancy map internally (the planning algorithm doesn't need know goes on) , can change own configuration within single occupancy cell.

the dark pink cells show physical block may be, consider entire region (large cell) occupied. if network potentially navigate past physical obstruction. saying region near occupied reduce odds of getting in tricky situations.

enter image description here

a* can see light pink , light green cells. robots can further subdivide larger blocks internally


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