cordova - How to add android:largeHeap = "true" in manifest file using Plugin.xml file in phonegap plugin -

how can add android:largeheap true in manifest file using plugin.xml file in android phonegap

a solution worked doing cordova/phonegap hook.

create hook @ following path

{app-root}/hooks/after_prepare directory/010-update-android-manifest.js

important make file executable

chmod +x 010-update-android-manifest.js

#!/usr/bin/env node  var fs    = require('fs'); var async = require('async'); var exec  = require('child_process').exec; var path  = require('path');  var root = process.argv[2]; var androidmanifest = path.join(root, 'platforms/android/androidmanifest.xml'); fs.exists(path.join(root, 'platforms/android'), function(exists) {     if(!exists) return;     fs.readfile(androidmanifest, 'utf8', function(err, data) {         if(err) throw err;          var lines = data.split('\n');         var searchingfor = '<application android:hardwareaccelerated="true"';         var newmanifest = [];         var largeheap = 'android:largeheap="true"';         lines.foreach(function(line) {             if(line.trim().indexof(searchingfor) != -1 && line.trim().indexof(largeheap) == -1) {                 newmanifest.push(line.replace(/\>$/, ' ') + largeheap + ">");             } else {                 newmanifest.push(line);             }         });          fs.writefilesync(androidmanifest, newmanifest.join('\n'));     }); }); 

this append android:largeheap="true" application tag.

build app

cordova build


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