mongodb - How to use DBObject Query in distinct function of mongo template? -

i want find distinct value of field query criteria. code is..

public list searchservice(string th_type) {      query query = new query();     query.addcriteria(criteria.where("th_type").regex(th_type));     list list = operations.getcollection("doclist").distinct("th_type", query);      return list; } 

in mongo template distinct function defined

mongotemplate.getcollection(collection).distinct(key, query) 

bu code giving error because using simple query object instead of dbobject query. how can use dbobject query here?

use basicdbobject this:

public list searchservice(string th_type) {         basicdbobject dbobject = new basicdbobject();     dbobject.append("th_type", th_type);       dbcollection dbcollection = operations.getcollection("doclist");     list list = dbcollection.distinct("th_type", dbobject);          return list; } 


with regex:

basicdbobject regexquery = new basicdbobject();  regexquery.put("th_type", new basicdbobject("$regex", th_type));  list list = operations.getcollection("doclist").distinct("th_type",regexquery); 


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