ios - Empty Entitlements files after adding App Groups capabilities -

i created app group identifier on our company account , link couple of apps id in order use on watch kit app developing.

the bundle id of apps looks this:

app: watch:  group: 

after that, go xcode targets / capabilities , when enable app groups creates empty entitlements file. when click select app groups, creates new empty entitlements file. see images below.

enter image description here enter image description here

additionally first point remain error. so, hit fix issue button. new empty entitlements file appears.

enter image description here enter image description here

of course, whatever action involving groups containerurlforsecurityapplicationgroupidentifier or initwithsuitename not work.

this how created entitlements files looks like:

enter image description here

any clues on how can solve it?

to fix it, changed accented letter target.

the project language spanish, , original target name's león. after changing leon, problem solved, , entitlements generated should be.


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