input - Powershell - Script that accepts single string param or filelist using Get-Content -

i'm having trouble getting powershell accept single string param input on command line or accept file input containing list of servers.

i've tried working this example can't things work.

i tried working param([switch] $filelist) if statement doesn't reach else block.

what hope put script accepts single server name passed in on command line or accepts input text file. appreciate pointers!

-edit, using below running script with/without param returns run on single server , same if (($filelist -eq $false)) using keith hill's example, again no matter try passing script output same (the if block never reaches else block)

-edit2, second code example works when passing single server name script, problem me trying [switch] parameter accept filename , pass code block foreach loop. errors following get-eventlog : invalid value '.\fake.txt' parameter 'machinename'. @ else line.

param([switch] $filelist) if (($filelist -eq $true)) { "no file list input" } else { "run on single server"} 

2nd code example

param( [switch]$filelist, [string]$server)  if ($filelist -eq $true) { $list = gc $filelist foreach ($server in $list){get-eventlog -computername $server -logname system | where-object {$_.eventid -eq '6005'} | select timegenerated,message | select -first 1}#end foreach }  else{ get-eventlog -computername $server -logname system | where-object {$_.eventid -eq '6005'} | select timegenerated,message | select -first 1 } 

if you're set on using switch parameter won't if want single parameter can file or server name will.

param (    [parameter(mandatory = $true)] [string]$filelist )  if (test-path $filelist) {   "file found, file related commands." } else { "single server actions." }


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