amazon rds - Create a rds instance using python: having status always = creating -

im trying create rds instance using python.

i have code below create instance , want show print "instance running" when instance have status available.

the problem that, when appears available status in aws managment console, in console application still appears status = creating , code dont out of while loop:

the result im having:

    ....     creating     233     creating     234     ... 

the code:

instance = conn.create_dbinstance(...)  print "waiting instance , running"  status = instance.status inc = 0 while status != 'available':     sleep(5)     status = instance.status     print status     inc=inc +1     print inc  if status == 'available':     print "instance running" 

do see why can happening?

the boto docs aren't clear when results such dbinstance.status fetched on-demand via api vs. being returned earlier, cached lookup. i'm betting here, instance.status call using returning same (cached) result each time.


status = conn.get_all_dbinstances([0].status 

instead of

status = instance.status 

inside while loop.


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