react native - Getting access to this.props.navigator from inside NavigatorIOS.onRightButtonPress -

i'm struggling 'onrightbuttonpress' event on navigatorios component. handler doesn't seem ref this.props.navigator.

var cbsupport  = react.createclass({    _handlenextbuttonpress: function() {     debugger     alertios.alert("be lert");     // this.props not contain 'navigator' property     this.props.navigator.push({           component: login,           title: 'login'     });   },    render: function() {     return(       <navigatorios         style={styles.container}         initialroute={{           component: accounts,           title: 'accounts',           rightbuttontitle: 'add',           onrightbuttonpress: this._handlenextbuttonpress,         }}       />         )   } }) 

i'm doing wrong, i'm trying navigate new scene tapping right button on navigatorios component.

what missing?

many help, ijonas.


after colin ramsay's suggestion below of using refs got following solution work me:

var cbsupport  = react.createclass({    _handlenextbuttonpress: function() {     this.refs.nav.push({           component: login,           title: 'login'     });   },    render: function() {     return(       <navigatorios         ref="nav"         style={styles.container}         initialroute={{           component: accounts,           title: 'accounts',           rightbuttontitle: 'add',           onrightbuttonpress: this._handlenextbuttonpress,         }}       />         )   } }) 

many colin.

in documentation says:

it [navigator] passed prop component rendered navigatorios.

i take mean child of navigatorios whereas in example have navigatorios child of cbsupport component. way of doing this:

var cbsupport  = react.createclass({    _handlenextbuttonpress: function() {      // ref not prop     this.refs.nav.push({           component: login,           title: 'login'     });   },    render: function() {     return(       <navigatorios         style={styles.container},         ref: 'nav', // added         initialroute={{           component: accounts,           title: 'accounts',           rightbuttontitle: 'add',           onrightbuttonpress: this._handlenextbuttonpress,         }}       />         )   } }) 

notice have added ref value of "nav" navigatorios , can use hold of in event handler. because of navigator methods automatically available on navigatorios too, should enable call push desired.


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