jquery - Moving summary footer to grouping header -

is there other way have summary @ grouping header other using groupsummarypos:['header'] ? using jqgrid v4.6.0 , unfortunately cannot upgrade higher version.

i have table implemented using jqgrid in project. gridoptions similar 1 mentioned in previous question here can see plunkr, demo works fine , can show summary on header. however, when moved code project, summary shows on footer. difference between project , plunkr code in project, using reusable component initialize jqgrid. have debugged code see if groupsummarypos = ['header'] being overridden somewhere in project reusable component, gives me no luck.

so, have decided go workaround. tried 'hack-move' moving summary footer dom element grouping header, after grid_complete event, using

var footercontent = jquery('.jqfooter').children; jquery('.jqgroup')[0].children[0].removeattribute('colspan'); jquery('.jqgroup')[0].appendchild(footercontent[0]); // till columns 

however, doesn't work because appendchild move each column in random order (i'm not sure why).. in summary, have tried use proper way, specifying groupsummarypos: ['header'] in coloptions, , 'really bad' hack way, it's not working too.

is there possible way move summary footer group header without using groupsummarypos?

i think should locale part of code change groupsummarypos option. 'hack-move' solution seems me wrong way.

you can try reset groupsummarypos 'header' inside of oninitgrid callback first attempt. should verify additionally gridview: true set , nobody modify it.

the groupsummarypos option used inside of groupingrender method whith called inside of addjsondata. can use beforeprocessing callback (if loads data server) or beforerequest. so, if resetting of groupsummarypos 'header' inside of oninitgrid not work can inside of beforerequest or inside of beforeprocessing.


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