Adding Library to project in Android Studio -

i working mupdf library rendering pdf files in android application.

for built mupdf library using ndk , different tools.

now want add compiled code project in android studio.

i quite new android studio not able it.

so can 1 me with.

i trying follow this link.

you add library in libs directory here:


and write in gradle this:

dependencies {     compile filetree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs') } 

also can watch this tutorial. more information here



just add library in project rebuild project , go

but have change manifest of library this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <manifest xmlns:android=""           package="com.example.blabala">      <uses-sdk             android:minsdkversion="4"             android:targetsdkversion="21"/>     <application/>  </manifest> 


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