Implement Java annotations for validation -

i want call validator org.hibernate.validator.internal.constraintvalidators. manually on value because can't annotate class. i've done :

lengthvalidator validator = new lengthvalidator(); validator.initialize(new length() {     @override     public class<? extends annotation> annotationtype() {         return null;     }      @override     public class<? extends payload>[] payload() {         return null;     }      @override     public int min() {         return min == null ? defaultmin : min;     }      @override     public string message() {         return null;     }      @override     public int max() {         return max == null ? defaultmax : max;     }      @override     public class<?>[] groups() {         return null;     } }); boolean valid = validator.isvalid(myvalue.astext(), null)); 

but sonar not happy :

lambdas , anonymous classes should not have many lines

so tried refactor code implementing @length in custom class :

public class stringlength implements length {     // methods overriden @length } 

but compiler complains

the annotation type length should not used superinterface stringlength

how can achieve want ?

note use of internal classes not encouraged, if wanted to, use hibernate validator annotationfactory:

  annotationdescriptor<length> descriptor = new annotationdescriptor<length>( length.class );   descriptor.setvalue( "min", 0 );   descriptor.setvalue( "max", 10 );   ...    length lengthannotation = annotationfactory.create( descriptor ); 

i not quite sure though, gain using lengthvalidator. still cannot make use of validator framework, right? if cannot annotate class, can not use xml configuration instead?


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