Android ORMLite not setting foreign when saving or not refreshing -


i have 2 entities :


@databasetable(tablename = "traitement", daoclass = traitementnettoyagedao.class) public class traitemententity implements parcelable {       @databasefield(generatedid = true)     private int id;     @foreigncollectionfield(eager = true)     private collection<anomalienettoyageentity> mlistanomalienettoyage;      public traitemententity() {     }      // omitting getter/setter , parcelable job } 


@databasetable(tablename = "anomalies", daoclass = anomaliedao.class) public class anomalieentity implements parcelable {       @databasefield(generatedid = true)     private int id;      @databasefield     private string midanomalie;       @databasefield(foreign = true, columnname = "traitementforeignid", foreignautorefresh = true, canbenull = false)     private traitemententity traitementforeign;      // omitting getter/setter , parcelable job } 

i'm saving traitement in database using :

function void save(traitemententity obj){  (anomalieentity n : obj.getmlistanomalie()) {                 n.settraitementforeign(obj);             }      create(obj); } 


the problem when need save traitement in local db, seems have nothing :

log.i("object anomalie size", obj.getmlistanomalie().size() + ""); // gives 3 save(obj);  list<traitemententity> liste = mservicelocal.getalllocaltraitements(); (traitemententity n : liste)     log.i("object anomalie size 2", n.getmlistanomalie().size() + ""); // gives 0  /* getmlisteanomalie() corresponds standard try/catch queryforall(), nothing else */ 

the traitement saved, not foreign anomalies. it's working partially, , dont know why have behaviour.

can me ?

confirm question.

in traitemententity class not contain getmlistanomalie() method different :

for ( n anomalieentity : obj.getmlistanomalie ())  

would not be

for ( anomalienettoyageentity n : obj.mlistanomalienettoyage ()) {     n.settraitementforeign ( obj) ; } 

other options. load database sqllite in managed, example (sqllite browser) , checking tables populated !

please confirm, test !


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