shell - Installed package does not been used by system because existing package in different path -


i using zsh (oh-my-zsh).

homebrew install new packages @ /usr/local/bin/, however, packages preinstalled on mac os, git, vim, emacs.

when installed lastest version of these program using brew, newly installed program never used becuase existing 1 located @ /usr/bin has higher precedence.

my current solution manually delete old version of program in /usr/local/bin/ , newly installed program works.


is there way set program installed using brew execute first before preinstalled program?

providing suggestions , references on package control on mac os appreciated.


@tripleee provides working solution below accepted answer.

note: in case not have .zlogin file can create using

$ touch .zlogin 

and use favoirte edito add path .zlogin file.

$ brew doctor 

can rest of things you.

you can modify own personal path own heart's content. simple fix add


to .bash_login, .zlogin (for zsh) or similar.

having second copy of /usr/local/bin later in path , large harmless, if like, can fix with


instead. (if comes last, need remove pair of colons.)

removing stuff /usr/bin extremely risky practice. don't that.


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